Scan Based Trading

DRS Scan Based Trading software provides integrated inventory management where both Supplier and Retailer share transactional and inventory data from in a single platform. Visibility into inventory information is therefore increased for both.


The centralized inventory management system provides a proactive approach to shrink reduction by improving delivery and offering real-time insights into product movement.


DRS’s Scan Based Trading software has built-in functions that automatically identify product trends such as:


  • Phantom Inventory – inaccurate store inventory quantities
  • Mispicks – unauthorized stores with the product on hand
  • Out of Stocks – repeated issues of no inventory at the stores
  • Growing and Slowing Trends – adjustment Inventory accordingly
Scan Base Trading

How Scan Based Trading Works

Supplier provides the retailer with order quantities for the Stores and DCs on a weekly basis.
Retailers orders for DCs and ships to stores based on quantities provided by the Supplier.
Retailer and Supplier agree on promotions, POG placement, etc.
The retailer provides Supplier access to store/DC Inventory and POS data.
The Retailer pays Supplier for only the products sold each week.
The Supplier provides the Retailer ED transmissions of POS sales weekly.

Grow your revenue with Data Resource Services

We custom tailor our data solutions to your specific needs and budget. Our team will analyze your product offering, revenue goals, and sales data and develop a plan to help you drive more revenue.